Nepali Novel List

Abhisapta | Sambandhahin Sambandha haru

Abhisapta and Sambandhahin Sambandha haru is written by Babita Basnet. This story is from the story collection Sambandhahin Sambandha haru. This story shows the interrelation between human society and human being. The theme of the story is to show the interrelation between human and how they impact each other. Babita Basnet show her writing skill to show the nature and human relationship.
Sambhandhahin Sambandha Haru
Listen Abhisapta from Sambandhahin Sambandha haru taken from Shruti Sambeg of Ujyaalo Ninty Network. Listen audio version of Nepali story in the voice of Achyut Ghimire.

Listen Abhisapta and Sambandhahin Sambandha haru

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