Nepali Novel List

Maile Dekheko Darbar | Bibek Kumar Shah

Maile Dekheko Darbar is written by Bibek Kumar Shah. Bibek is Ex Army of Nepal. He wrote this book on his life experience with Royal Palace. This book is about Royal Massacre of Jestha 19, 2058. King Birendra was most popular king of Nepal. This book is about the details of the Royal Palace which is seen by Bibek Kumar Shah.

Maile Dekheko Darbar

Moreover you can listen book related to Nepalese Shah Dynasty Novel and book. Listen audio version of Darbar Bahiraki Maharani related to King Mahendra and read book Tribhuvan Ki Erika
Read Maile Dekheko Darbar by downloading. This free Nepali Book is in PDF format.

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